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Physics & Chemistry 4th grade

Kinematics is a branch of Physics which studies the motion of particles, focusing on its quantities: position, velocity and acceleration

Dynamics is a branch of Physics which studies the effect of forces: deformation or changes of state of motion

Gravitation is one of the four fundamental interactions. It has an infinite range and explains free fall, the motion of planets and comets and the evolution of the universe

The study of pressure has a lot of applications, such as hydraulic devices or the buoyancy of ships

Energy is a core concept in Physics because a lot of phenomena can be explained as energy conversion

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The atom models are applied tounderstand the oxidation number of the elements and  their chemical properties

Naming rules for inorganic substances according to iUPAC rules

Stoichiometry is the branch of Chemistry which studies the proportions involved in chemical reactions

Organic naming rules according to IUPAC rules

Here you can find information and support for your research project in Physics or Chemistry

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Physics equations

IES Ramiro  de Maeztu

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