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Why do planets turn about the Sun?

Gravitation project

Copernicus & heliocentric model

Copernicus stated for the first time the heliocentric model in 1543.

Kepler laws

Kepler explained the motion of the planets by means of his three experimental laws

Newton & gravitation theory

Newton stated the gravitational theory, which is the model of Physics theory

Solar system

The study of pressure has a lot of applications, such as hydraulic devices or the buoyancy of ships

Evolution of stars

Stars are born from nebulae and evolve over time until becoming a nova or a black hole

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Black holes

Black holes are those objects which have so huge gravitational field that light cannot scape from them

General theory of relativity

General theory of Relativity explains the nteraction between matter, space and gravitation

Big bang theory

Big bang theory explains the evolution of the universe throughout 13700 million of years

Satellites & spacecrafts

Our technology rely on  satllites for communications, data transfer, global location etc

Dark matter

Dark matter is a kind of matter which dosesn´t emit light but has gravitational effects on their surroundings

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Lab activities

Kepler laws    © NASA

Why are astronauts weightless ?

Task 1: Presentation

IES Ramiro  de Maeztu

Serrano 127  Madrid 28006


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